• 水. 10月 23rd, 2024


The Japanese Society for Aesthetics

2023年度 第5回美学会東部会例会のお知らせ

2月 14, 2024


[2024年3月7日 追記]: 諸般の都合によりタイムスケジュールを変更いたします。ご面倒をおかけし、深くお詫び申し上げます。どうぞご注意の上、お越しください。

2023年度 第5回美学会東部会例会

2024年3月9日(土) 13時00分~17時15分

会場:早稲田大学(36号館 5階 582)

当番校挨拶 13時~ 小林信之(早稲田大学)
(1)13時05分 ~ 13時50分13時05分 ~ 14時05分
司会: 津上英輔(成城大学)

15分休憩 → 5分休憩

(2)14時05分 ~ 14時50分14時10分 ~ 15時10分

15分休憩 → 5分休憩

(3)15時05分 〜 15時50分15時15分 〜 16時15分

15分休憩 → 5分休憩

Prof. Alessandro Giovanni Bertinetto(トリノ大学)
“Habits, aesthetic experience and normativity”


トピック: 2023年度美学会東部会例会(3/9早稲田大学)
時間: 2024年3月9日 01:00 PM 大阪、札幌、東京

ミーティング ID: 957 0556 0152
パスコード: 477622

名前(漢字あるいはカタカナ) 所属(任意)
例、 山田太郎 東京大学


2023年度 美学会東部会特別講演

“Habits, aesthetic experience and normativity”
登壇者:Alessandro Bertinetto教授(トリノ大学)

開催趣旨:このたび、東部会例会の機会と合わせまして、トリノ大学より来日中のAlessandro Bertinetto教授の特別講演を開催します。以下、要旨とプロフィールに示されるように、Bertinetto教授は美的経験と習慣についての研究についてお話しくださいます。ご発表は英語で行われ、通訳はありません。ご発表のあとにディスカッションの時間を設けます。美学会会員との活発な交流の機会になりますよう、皆様ぜひご参加ください。

Contrary to the prevalent belief that habits impede aesthetic experiences, my lecture advances the notion that there exists a profound link between habits and the aesthetic dimension of experience, inclusive of the arts. Echoing the thoughts of certain philosophers, I argue that beauty is (the product of) habit: habitual practices are a source of meaningful everyday aesthetic experience and aesthetic experiences in general—beyond the confines of art—require and are structured by what I term ‘aesthetic habits’. These habits not only scaffold and shape aesthetic practices but also exert a normative power. My presentation will explore this perspective, offering a defense against potential criticisms.

I am Professor Alessandro Bertinetto, and I hold a PhD from the University of Padova, earned in 2000. Currently, I am a Full Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Turin. Throughout my career, I have held various distinguished positions in the field of aesthetics and philosophy. Prior to my current role, I served as a researcher in aesthetics at the University of Udine and as an associate professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Turin. Additionally, I was honored to be an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the FU Berlin and have had the pleasure of being a visiting scholar at prestigious institutions, including Madrid (Complutense and Autónoma), Murcia, Toulouse, Kanazawa, Luxembourg, Valencia, and Belo Horizonte.
My research interests revolve around German idealism, hermeneutics, aesthetics, philosophy of action, philosophy of art and philosophy of music; I am expecially focusing on topics such as creativity, improvisation, and habits. Among the more or less recently books I have authored several I mention “Il pensiero dei suoni” (Milan, 2012), translated into French as “La pensée des sons. Introduction à la philosophie de la musique” (Paris, Delatour, 2017), “Eseguire l’inatteso. Ontologia musicale e improvvisazione” (Rome, il Glifo, 2016), and “The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Improvisation in the Arts” (Abingdon, Routledge, 2021), which I co-edited with M. Ruta. Moreover, I have published “Estetica dell’improvvisazione” (Bologna, il Mulino, 2021), translated into English as “Aesthetics of Improvisation: Fink/Brill, München/Leiden, 2022).
In the past, I had the privilege of being a member of the Executive Committee of the European Society for Aesthetics from 2012 to 2018, and currently, I serve as the Coordinator of ART – Aesthetics Research Torino: www.art.unito.it. To learn more about my work and publications, feel free to visit my personal webpages at the following links:

Personal Webpage (1): https://sites.google.com/site/alessandrobertinetto/
Personal Webpage (2): https://unito.academia.edu/AlessandroBertinetto
Personal Webpage (3): http://www.dfe.unito.it/do/docenti.pl/Show?_id=abertine#profilo